One of the Greatest Acts of Worship
When Umar bin al-Khattab radi allahu `anhu (may God be pleased with him) was walking in the market, he passed by a man who was supplicating, “O Allah, make us of Your ‘few’ servants! O Allah make us of Your ‘few’ servants!”
So ‘Umar said to him, “Where did you get this du`a’ (supplication) from?” And the man said, "Allah in His Book says, ‘And few of My servants are grateful.'(Qur’an 34:13).”
‘Umar wept and admonished himself, “The people are more knowledgeable than you, O 'Umar! O Allah, make us of Your ‘few’ servants.”
Out of Allah’s infinite love and kindness, He created us and bestowed many blessings upon us, each of which are truly innumerable. One may ask, why? The reason is so that we could be grateful and thankful to our beloved Creator.
As human beings, we tend to realize what blessings Allah has given us only after we lose them. This is when we begin to realize their true value, and how difficult life can be without them. Until then, we tend to take our blessings for granted. Perhaps this is why one of the greatest acts of worship is being genuinely grateful towards Allah (SWT).
Here are three tips you can take to become more grateful:
1. Reflect
At least once a day, contemplate over your blessings that money cannot buy. Examples of this can be your overall well-being, along with the two gifts you open every morning: your eyes.
Click here to see a du'a of gratitude you can say when you wake up in the morning
2. Being with those less fortunate
Spending time with those that are less fortunate will remind you of the blessings you do have. Allocate a day in the week (or at least once a month) that you will dedicate to volunteering and helping those that are in need. If you can, try going above and beyond by giving them your time, and helping them out physically.
3. BE GRateful with Others
There's a beautiful hadith about remembering Allah with others,
"No people sit in a gathering remembering Allah, But the angels surround them, mercy covers them, tranquility descends upon them and Allah remembers them before those who are with Him." (Sunan Ibn Majah 3791)
Sometimes, we go to our friends to complain about things and talk about what we wish we had. Positively influence your social circle by reminding one other about how Allah has blessed each of you. The goal should be to realize that we always have more than we think we do.
Do you have other tips? Let us know in the comments below!